Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Place He Feels the Best...with a Bat, Glove or Ball in his hands!

Here are a few pics of Nate doing what he loves.  We will head to KC for a tournament this weekend.  They are pumped to play the competition that comes when they play down there.  It will be without our Center fielder who broke his wrist last Friday night in a game in which the other team showed such embarassing sportsmanship. It's amazing that people can be happy that the other team has a kid who breaks his wrist and will miss four weeks of a 12 week season.  It is appalling that a parent or parents have to act that way!

Have a blessed weekend!

The Place He Feels the Best...with a Bat, Glove or Ball in his hands!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

A Memory in the making

Memorial weekend 2010 will go down as a memorable weekend for our family.  Nate was able to get back into the game this weekend for the first time in over a month.  He was non stop chatter after his first game on Friday night. 

Ella was in my cousin's wedding this weekend as well and she did an amazing job.  We were all worried whether she would walk down the aisle and not only did she walk but she dropped her petals very slowly and she took her time...she didn't sprint down the aisle and then out the door so that was good.  It was great to see family that I haven't seen in such a long time. I just wish I could have actually visited a little bit more.  Ella was exhausted and so she was planted on my lap.  Elaina had a great time dancing with her cousins and requesting song after song.  I was glad to see her out there cutting a rug.  I remember when I was her age how fun that was to be dancing around the bride and groom.  Allie made such a beautiful bride.  She was so calm and everything went off without a hitch. 

Well, it looks like rain so I better go and get my walk in. Have a blessed week!