Saturday, November 7, 2009

These are the best days

Today is such a beautiful day here.  It's 72 degrees and the sun is so great to see.  Nate started doing a little baseball this morning and he was so excited to see his buddies.  Elaina has a couple of her girlfriends over and B is in hog heaven hanging with his daddy.  Ella is taking a nap so I am taking advantage of the quiet and working in my office.  In the pictures above Ella decided to try on my boots.  She was so funny trying to walk in them.  I wanted to post another pic or two of Elaina's costume...she loved being Cleopatra!!!  Have a blessed Saturday. 

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Halloween was a very fun night.  The kids got tons of candy and got to hang out with their cousins.  It was beautiful outside so we all filled our glasses with some wine....guys took there beers along for the stroll and off we went.  We had a lot to celebrate because it was Halloween and Brad landed a major contract which means he has work for his men for at least a year....what a relief!!!