Sunday, April 11, 2010

Take Me out to the Ball game

 Well, we are off.  Nate played in his first tournament this weekend and they won!!! It was Battle of the Borders and they lined up with three other teams from Nebraska and 4 teams from Iowa.  It is a really cool tournament because it makes our Nebraska teams cheer on each other, when normally they are against each other. Nate had a great outing this weekend.  His at bats were very successful.  We are very proud of our team. They played exceptional ball.

Elaina had her first softball practice this weekend and so did Brandon. They were both excited to put their gloves on and get out there and play catch.  We have baseball and soccer on the brain right now.  If the weekends keep staying like this it's going to get really hard to keep their interest in school:)

Nate will play three games this week and then we will be off to the Kick Off Classic where we hope to play the type of ball that we did this weekend.
Here's a picture of Ella at the Great Wolf Lodge when we went with the Lundquist's family for a getaway weekend.She loves to swim.

Have a blessed week and check back soon!

Friday, April 9, 2010

So much to do so little time

 We are just getting into baseball season for all three of the older ones.  It's a great time of year because we are outside more and we seem to cherish down time and respect it.  A lot has taken place over the last couple of months so I think I'll just give it a world wind summary.  In February Brad and I went to the Big Island of Hawaii...for our 15 year anniversary.  It was an amazing time and we were able to share it with our closest friends.  We laughed harder than we have laughed in a long time. It was paradise and we will vacation there again.  Nate is busy with baseball. His first big tournament is this weekend and we are ready.  Brandon is playing both soccer and baseball and he is so lucky because his Uncle Ry Ry is his soccer coach.  That guy has skills in coaching those little guys.  Elaina has decided that she will continue to take ice skating and hope to get to the point of competitions.  We are excited for her, not to mention sewing classes and guitar lessons. She is also starting softball this Saturday.  Talk about a busy van for the mom to drive.  I wouldn't have it any other some ways I dread the idea of my van sitting in my garage someday or maybe not even being a van anymore:(

Ella is just a delight these days.  She did have to have her two front teeth pulled because they had taken a hard hit or something but they had abscessed.  That was not a fun surgery for her or her mother.  She is changing ever so fast.  We took down her crib and turned it into a toddler bed.  I was pretty sad to see the crib go down for the last time.  I remember vividly putting that crib up almost 13 years ago for the first time with such excitement and wonder.  Wonder of what was to come...boy who would have known that that crib would see 4 babies sleep in it.  Well, I'm off to take Elaina to a girlfriends house.

Have a blessed weekend and look back because I will start to give updates on more regular basis.
