It's been way to long since I last posted. We've had so much going on and little time for me to sit down at my computer. Our Christmas was wonderful. We spent most of the week with family in Corning. It was nice to just slow down a bit and just be. I loved watching my kids interact with their grandparents and cousins. I loved watching Ella's eyes light up when she figured out that the presents under the tree were for her too!!
We began the new year out with friends and Nate got his first real job babysitting our kids. He did great and Elaina helped him out. We took them to dinner the next night and a movie. We saw the movie Blindside. Wow, was that inspirational. It sure made me want to make a difference in the life of someone.
Nate's baseball schedule went up a notch as in 4 days a week on top of basketball. He's such a great kid and he again made superior honor roll in the IB program and Millard North Middle. As always, just a little to grown up for Brad and I's liking. So serious about so many things.
Elaina started ice skating and volleyball this month. She is such a natural. She is so beautiful inside and out. She is soft spoken and such a little helper. She also got straight A's this semester....we couldn't be more proud.
Brandon was in the UNO holiday wrestling tournament a couple of weeks ago and got 2nd. place. He was so proud of his medal. Not to bad considering his dad just started working with him and it was the 3rd time he had ever wrestled. He continues to make us laugh. He's quite the comedian and he is also a good student.
Ella has surgery in the morning to fix a few of her teeth. I'm a little anxious but I know all will turn out fine. She is changing so much...a little feisty at times but she's becoming and how can you not help but stop and watch.
Today, Brad left on his first snowmobiling adventure with our good friend Dave. It will be good for him to get away from his job and the kids but it seems it's always hard to leave.
Next Thursday Brad and I will be married 15 years. I can't believe it. It seems like yesterday but we've added so much depth to who we are since then. I LOVE being married to this man. He completes me in so many ways. We work well together even though we've had our times. He's always my biggest fan as I am of him. He is my rock...when I am in need of one, yet he let's me discover new things about myself without hindering me with his every word.
Have a blessed weekend and I'll get pics posted of the kids soon!!!
Copycat McDonald’s Big Mac Recipe
4 days ago